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Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Apple Picking
We totally try and take advantage of those Saturdays where there is nothing on the calendar! No birthday parties, no appointments, no church functions, no being out of town, no baby showers...etc. On this particular Saturday we took the kids to Flat Rock, North Carolina. We spent the day picking apples. eating YUMMY donuts, playing and just being together! We had a great time and we are looking foward to this being something we do during our favorite season of the year fall!!
Friday, October 9, 2009
First Day of School 09
The first day of school this year was bitter sweet for me. J.Riley desperately needed to get back into a routine. He was ready for more stimulation then I was providing him and he really needed to be surrounded my other kids again. At the same time I was sending my sweet girl to preschool for the very first time. OH how I miss having her at home with me! Ava is one of the sweetest, eager to please, pleasant little girls I have ever had the privilege of spending time with. She is is so confident, so loving, so giving and so fun!
She walked into her classroom just like I knew she would and didn't look back. I asked her for a hug and a kiss which so quickly did as to say "mom, please!" not a tear was shed, (by her) not a whine, just a "bye bye Mommy".
I left with tears and asking myself "is she really ready?"
Here I am catching up as usual...this seems to be a theme in my life!
I ended the summer with my annual girls trip. This is a trip that I look forward to every year. I have the 10 best college girlfriends ever! These girls mean so much to me. They are a part of me, they have helped make me who I am today. Each one of them has a significant place in my heart and I am so blessed to be reunited with them at least once a year.
This year 6 out of 9 of us were able to make the trip to Washington D.C. Shelley and Jennifer and I all drove in from Johnson City. Jenny flew from Nashville, Julie from Denver and Cristi from Atlanta. Meredith was home in Savannah awaiting the arrival of her first son Jackson! MaryBeth and Karen had family obligations this year. Speaking of babies on the ride there Jennifer let us in on her secret. She is pregnant with her second! Upon arrival we learned Jenny and Brock are expecting there first! SO EXCITING!! I love going through life with these girls!
Our trip consisted of Eating, shopping and a bit of site seeing. We went through the Holocaust Museum, toured the Capital Building, saw the White House and the Washington Monument. Let me just tell you that was enough of that! Back to the eating and shopping!! We ate at some fantastic restaurants but the hit was the Georgetown Cupcakery! We always try and find a cupcakery in whatever city we are in and this hands down was the best one yet!
We drank wine, sang at the piano bar, ended every day with our feet in the rooftop pool just catching up. These are times I treasure so much. I am so excited for everything that is ahead in life for these lovely ladies and I can't wait to do it again next year!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Dear Ava
Dear sweet Ava,
You are two years old! My baby is not a baby anymore! Your mommy and daddy have enjoyed watching you grow and change so much over the past two years!
Right now you seem to be a Daddy's girl. You squeal with delight when the garage door opens. When he leaves your sight you are asking "daddy go?". You want Daddy to rock you before bed and you tell Daddy " ready to eat." Yes this breaks my heart just a bit, but it is precious.
You are finally beginning to talk in phrases. And mommy was worried about your communication skills?? You are doing great. you say things like
"ready to eat"
"sorry mommy"
"I do it"
"you are recognizing some letters especially the letter A (hmm...anything to do with all your clothes being monogramed?)
"avery home?"
"help me"
You love music, you love to wear dresses and shoes (girly girl), you love for your brother to chase you around the loop, you love playing with other children especially Avery, you won't sit still for a tv show or a book. You love playing outside.
Some funny things you have done lately: You have started getting out of your bed at night and when mommy and daddy check on you at about 11, we have found you asleep in your rocking chair!
When mommy disciplines you you automatically say "sorry, mommy" about 3 times.
As if turning two is not enough, today we met your pre school teachers. You are starting school on Monday. You were so confident walking into your classroom, not interested in what I was doing at all. You were friendly to the other children right away. You are so ready to start school and mommy is almost ready to say "its going to be Ok."
I love you sweet girl. You will never know how complete you have made my life. I thank God for your sweet smile everyday. And..if you could just stop at two that would be great!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
No Girls allowed!
Brent is in his glory! J.Riley is finally old enough to do some real "manly" things. Things that I will probably never agree to do! This past weekend Brent decided they were going to camp out in the backyard. They went shopping for all of the gear. Tent, sleeping bags, lantern and of course S'mores ingredients! They sent the tent up in the backyard and were ready to go! I snapped a few pictures before Ava and I were told "NO GIRLS ALLOWED!" J.Riley did great. He wasn't scared at all. They took a night walk and read lots of books by lantern before J.Riley finally fell asleep. At about 2am I heard the back door open. Now get wasn't J.Riley who wanted to the comfort of the indoors, but Daddy!! Brent was afraid of getting a little wet. ( it did end up raining a bit). He carried J.Riley to his bed without waking him. In the morning J.Riley did not even ask about not being outside. Finally Brent say "J.Riley what happened to sleeping in the tent?" J.Riley simply replied "I woke up and I was in my bed."
Saturday, August 1, 2009
We love the BATES!!
We have been blessed with some wonderful friends..the Bates family. Brent met Jim while he was in North Carolina at Brevard college and they have remained good friends. Jim and his super fun wife Jenn live in Idaho, and we only get to see them a couple of times a year. We had the privilege of flying out to Idaho to visit them and see where they call home a little over a year ago. We can't wait to go back!! In the meantime, they have family that lives in Maryville, Tn and we always try our best to get together while they are here. They have two beautiful children Jayden and Jollie. We just really enjoying their friendship. In July we met up with them at the Knoxville zoo and whoohooo did we have a good time. It was extremely hot, but the cocktails after the zoo made up for all the sweat! Bates family, we absolutely love you guys! You are wonderful people, great parents and just the life of the party!!
The fam in front of one of the favs of the day the elephants!
For Sale!!
Yes it is official! Our house is for sale! If you know anyone that is looking for a home in the East Tennessee area send them our way! We are not in a huge rush to sell but just thought we would try and see what would happen. We have found some property in Johnson city that we are looking to eventually purchase and build again. Here are some pictures of our lovely home!
Yes it is official! Our house is for sale! If you know anyone that is looking for a home in the East Tennessee area send them our way! We are not in a huge rush to sell but just thought we would see what would happen. We have found some property in Johnson city that we are looking to eventually purchase and build again. Here are some pictures of our lovely home!
The Fourth!
Happy Fourth of July! We had a very relaxing weekend. We started it off on Friday..Brent was off work! This is something we all look forward to! My Parents actually came up on Thursday night where we went to J.Riley's favorite restaurant in town call Bones. We had a nice relaxing evening. Dinner and then an evening stroll. The next morning we all got up to head out to the parade. Our little town has a huge fourth of July festival every year call Jonesborough Days. It is kind of nostalgic in alot of ways and is really kind of neat. The parade was a big hit with the kids and we roamed around the festival until about 2 o'clock. The kids always have such a good time with Nana and Grampy and always have a hard time adjusting when they leave. If only they lived down the street!! (we are still working on it!) My parents headed out later that afternoon. Later that night we stayed up late to watch the fireworks. We actually have a great view from our yard, so we put Ava to bed and just the three of us got to watch the beautiful show! Saturday was pretty low key and we ended the festivities with a GREAT BBQ at our friends the Whiljhems. Matt smoked the BBQ all day! It was yummy! We are so thankful for such great friends! Also, Thank you to all the men, women and families that sacrifice so much so that we can call ourselves a free country! THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS YOU!
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