I started taking J.Riley to Kindermusik as soon as we found ourselves living in Johnson City again. My friend Karen had been taking her daughter Karly since she was 3 months old and they loved it. So here we go, J.Riley was 6 months old and already in an organized sport :) Well we LOVE IT! Im not sure who enjoyed it more first, him or me? It was so great to get out and meet new moms. Our playgroup actually formed out of the very first Kindermusik class we took. J.Riley attended for two years and in January I decided it was Ava's turn. So now on Tuesday nights Ava and mommy get to go out for girl time, no its not shopping yet, but it is good for now! Ava is the youngest in her class right now but she hangs with the other kids well. She is so friendly to everyone, basically she walks into a room and walks out with at least 2 new friends.
Miss. Jodi is Ava's teacher, her demeanor is so sweet and loving and Ava could really spend the entire 45 minutes on her lap if I let her. We sing and dance and play instruments and there is a short story-time. I look forward to this time every week with her and every week it makes me realize that she is not a baby anymore! She is learning so quickly and can hold her own so well.
I am so blessed to have the opportunity to do these things with my children. Here are some pictures of our time at Kindermusik.
Playing with the hoops