Well, it never fails!! This weekend is suppose to be full of warm weather and sunshine and one of my kids is sick! NEVER FAILS! UGH!! I had a Kelly's Kids party last night which was a big success! Lots of fun shopping with friends. Ava woke up at about 10 o'clock which is not normal and sure enough was running a fever. So we are quarantined for the day. This is always a challenge. Trying to keep J.Riley busy without throwing him in front of the TV and holding my baby girl ALL day because all she wanted was her mommy, paci and lovie. This too shall pass! Thank you Lord for giving me the strength to get through this day!
A few things we did to stay busy. We broke out the sand and water table! Thank you great Aunt Cindy and Great Grammy! He played in it for a good hour!! You brought sanity to my day and lots of fun to him!
Awe... poor thing and poor mommie! It is just heartbreaking when they are sick! She is precious :) We hope she feels better very soon!